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family doctor

《family doctor》怎以读

英 [ˈfæmili ˈdɔktə]
美 [ˈfæməli ˈdɑktɚ]

《family doctor》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 变形

    复数:family doctors


    family doctor

    • n.a general practitioner who treats all the family members

    学习《family doctor》怎么用


    1. Our new family doctor is a woman.
    2. The computer is now an invaluable tool for the family doctor.


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    Family Doctor Responses to Changes in Incentives for Influenza Immunization under the U.K. Quality and Outcomes Framework Pay-for-Pe...
    The effects of continuing medical education on family doctor performance in office practice: a randomized control study.
    Effect of rurality on patients' satisfaction with out of hours care provided by a family doctor cooperative.
    Making medical practice and education more relevant to people's needs: the contribution of the family doctor
    Talking matters: Abused women's views on disclosure of partner abuse to the family doctor and its role in handling the abuse situation
    Relationship between ultra-processed foods and metabolic syndrome in adolescents from a Brazilian Family Doctor Program
    Dietary habits and inadequate control of blood pressure in hypertensive adults assisted by a Brazilian Family Doctor Program
    A Simple Score for the Identification of Patients at High Risk of Organic Diseases of the Colon in the Family Doctor Consulting Room
    Real-Time Epidemic Monitoring and Forecasting of H1N1-2009 Using Influenza-Like Illness from General Practice and Family Doctor Clin...
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