Alfred Famiglietti标签
Anthony Famiglietti安东尼·法米列蒂
Virgi Famiglietti标签
Jay Famiglietti 法米列蒂 ; 费米格力提
Carmine Famiglietti编剧
John Famiglietti标签
EarthSkyspokeat arecentsciencemeeting to Jay Famiglietti,director of the University of California’s CenterforHydrologicModeling.
Satellite-based estimates of groundwater depletion in India.
Integration of soil moisture remote sensing and hydrologic modeling using data assimilation
Variability in surface moisture content along a hillslope transect: Rattlesnake Hill, Texas
Ground water and climate change
Rod and Cone Pathways in the Inner Plexiform Layer of Cat Retina
Ground‐based investigation of soil moisture ...
Satellites measure recent rates of groundwater depletion in California's Central Valley
Hyperresolution global land surface modeling: Meeting a grand challenge for monitoring Earth's terrestrial water
Field observations of soil moisture variability across scales
Ground water and climate change. Nat Clim Chang