hall of fame名人纪念馆
fame and fortune名声与财富
wealth and fame名利
rise to fame成名,名声大振
- He runs after fame rather than wealth.
他追求名而不追求利。 - The actress won overnight fame with her first film.
这个女演员的第一部电影使她一举成名。 - She won her overnight fame by her first novel.
她的第一部小说使她一举成名。 - His fame as a poet did not come until after his death.
The influence of smelter fames upon the chemical composition of lake waters near Sudbury, Ontario, and upon the surrounding vegetati...
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) from castor oil: Production process assessment and synergistic effects in its properties
Production of FAMEs from several microalgal lipidic extracts and direct transesterification of the Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Epoxidation of unsaturated FAMEs obtained from vegetable source over Ti(IV)-grafted silica catalysts: A comparison between ordered a...
An Improved Method for Determining Medium- and Long-Chain FAMEs Using Gas Chromatography
Alum-induced flocculation of preconcentrated Nannochloropsis salina: residual aluminium in the biomass, FAMEs and its effects on mic...
Analysis of Cellular Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) for the Identification of Leuconostoc Strains Isolated from Kimchi
The effect of moisture stress at three growth stages on the yield, components of yield and processing quality of eight potato variet...
The Influences of Renal Function and Maturation on Vancomycin Elimination in Newborns and Infants
Exploring a new, soluble lipase for FAMEs production in water-containing systems using crude soybean oil as a feedstock