- A faltering housing market has made it difficult for those struggling with mortgage payments to refinance and pay off debts.
步履蹒跚的房屋市场已使人们难以对那些疲于应付按揭付款再融资并还清债务。 - Speak to me through hesitating tears, through faltering smiles, through sweet shame and pain, the secret of your heart!
Worldwide timing of growth faltering: revisiting implications for interventions.
Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation...
Faltering from ethnography to design
Intestinal permeability, mucosal injury, and growth faltering in Gambian infants.
Vascular basis for brain degeneration: faltering controls and risk factors for dementia
Early childhood diarrhoea and helminthiases associate with long-term linear growth faltering.
Growth faltering in rural Gambian infants is associated with impaired small intestinal barrier function, leading to endotoxemia and ...
Growth faltering due to breastfeeding cessation in uninfected children born to HIV-infected mothers in Zambia
Late preterm birth is a risk factor for growth faltering in early childhood: a cohort study
Faltering in infant growth in less-developed countries.