- Fairy Tale is not true, but there is a hint in it.
神话故事不真实,但有一定道理在里面。 - That sounds like a good fairy tale, doesnt it?
听起来像是神话故事吧。 - Animals are often personified in fairy tales.
动物常在童话中被拟人化。 - Their love story sounds like a fairy tale.
他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。 - A false tale often betrays itself.
谎言不攻自破。 - He trumped up a tale of having been robbed on the road.
Fairy Tale
Fairy tale
Fairy Tale
Fairy Tale as Myth/Myth as Fairy Tale
Sleeping Giant: Fact or Fairytale? How European Integration Affects National Elections
Breast cancer vaccines: a clinical reality or fairy tale?
Fairy Tale as Myth/Myth as Fairy Tale:
Sleeping Giant: Fact or Fairytale?
"Some Day My Prince Will Come": Female Acculturation through the Fairy Tale
Cross-subsidization in telecommunications: Beyond the universal service fairy tale