- Delisted the stock.
The Delisting Bias in CRSP DataDelisting returns and their effect on accounting-based market anomalies ☆Does Delisting from the S&P 500 Affect Stock Price?The Delisting Bias in CRSP's Nasdaq Data and Its Implications for the Size EffectThe Impact of Brand Delisting on Store Switching and Brand Switching IntentionsDelisting of infants and children from the heart transplantation waiting list after carvedilol treatment ☆Beyond demography and delisting: ecological recovery for Yellowstone's grizzly bears and wolvesWhy listing may be forever: perspectives on delisting under the U.S. endangered species act.Down and Out in the Stock Market: The Law and Economics of the Delisting ProcessComprehensive genetic analyses reveal evolutionary distinction of a mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei) proposed for delisting from the ...