- He was exhausted by the fever and delirium.
他发烧精神错乱说胡话,因而疲惫不堪。 - Sports fans were in delirium after their team's victory.
Deliriums.The Art of Dostoevsky: Deliriums and Nostrums (review)"Der schauerlichste Schauplatz blutigen Deliriums"Risikofaktoren des postoperativen Deliriums in der HerzchirurgieRobert Louis Jackson, The Art of Dostoevsky: Deliriums and NocturnesDeliriums of infestation associated with mild cognitive deterioration of vascular etiology. Good response to low doses of quetiapineFrom "Ignorant Deliriums"to "Educated Reflections": The European Enlightenment and the Appropriation of Colonial Periphery KnowledgeA History of the Indian Novel in English: Of Dystopias and Deliriums: The Millennial Novel in IndiaEinfluss von Dauer und Schweregrad eines postoperativen Deliriums auf die Mortalität betroffener Patienten[IMMEDIATE CLINICAL RESULTS WITH GAMMA AMINOBUTYRIC ACID B6 IN SCHIZOPHRENIAS AND DELIRIUMS].