用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- build a factory建造工厂
- close a factory关闭工厂
- erect a factory建造工厂
- manage a factory管理工厂
- open a factory开办工厂
- operate a factory管理工厂
- set up a factory建造工厂
- shut down a factory关闭工厂
名词+~- automobile factory汽车制造厂
- car factory汽车制造厂
- carpet factory地毯厂
- clothing factory服装厂
- glass factory玻璃厂
- motorcar factory汽车制造厂
- shoe factory鞋厂
- soap factory肥皂厂
- textile factory纺织厂
~+名词介词+~- at a factory在工厂
- in a factory在工厂
hardware factory五金厂
factory building厂房
furniture factory家具厂
pharmaceutical factory药厂;制药厂
electronics factory电子厂,电子工厂;无线电元件厂
factory director厂长;副厂长
garment factory服装厂,成衣工厂
toy factory玩具厂
factory automation工厂自动化
factory area工厂区域
ceramics factory陶瓷厂;照相机厂
clothing factory服装厂;被服厂
factory manager厂长
factory inspection厂内检查;工厂检验
tools factory工具厂
factory price出厂价
textile factory纺织厂
automobile factory汽车厂
electrical appliance factory电工器材厂
factory floor工人工作的场地
plant, mill, factory, works
- I got a job in a textile factory.
我在一家纺织厂找到一份工作。 - The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.
这家公司希望把新工厂建在河边。 - The car factory is situated on the edge of the town.
这座汽车制造厂坐落在该城的边上。 - He works on the assemblylineat the shoe factory.
Experience Factory
The Focused Factory
The experience factory
ISIS—a knowledge‐based system for factory scheduling
Alienation and Freedom: The Factory Worker and His Industry by Robert Blauner
Quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum protein factory
CARPEL FACTORY, a Dicer homolog, and HEN1, a novel protein, act in microRNA metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Chapter 4: Technology and the Factory System : The Gifts of Athena Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy
Localization of Bacterial DNA Polymerase: Evidence for a Factory Model of Replication
Genome sequencing and analysis of the versatile cell factory Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88.