facilitatory effect易化作用
facilitatory arena易化区
facilitatory area易化区
facilitatory function引导作用
facilitatory region[生理]易化区
bulboreticular facilitatory area脑干网状结构易化区
descending g facilitatory system下行易化系统
descending facilitatory system[生理]下行易化系统
alighting facilitatory arrangement下行易化体系
Inhibitory and facilitatory processes in selective attention.
Descending control of persistent pain: inhibitory or facilitatory?
Facilitatory effect of immobilized lipase-producing Rhizopus oryzae cells on acyl migration in biodiesel-fuel production
Selective attention and priming: Inhibitory and facilitatory effects of ignored primes
Demonstration of facilitatory I wave interaction in the human motor cortex by paired transcranial magnetic stimulation
Descending facilitatory modulation of a behavioral nociceptive response by stimulation in the adult rat anterior cingulate cortex
Suppressive and facilitatory spatial interactions in peripheral vision: peripheral crowding is neither size invariant nor simple con...
Semantic priming and retrieval from lexical memory: Evidence for facilitatory and inhibitory processes
Release of oxytocin and vasopressin by magnocellular nuclei in vitro: specific facilitatory effect of oxytocin on its own release.
In vivo presynaptic control of dopamine release in the cat caudate nucleus--II. Facilitatory or inhibitory influence of L-glutamate.