Sol—Gel preparation of supported metal catalysts
Social class, race/ethnicity, and incidence of breast, cervix, colon, lung, and prostate cancer among Asian, black, Hispanic, and wh...
Mukaiyama aldol addition to alpha-chloro-substituted aldehydes. Origin of the unexpected syn selectivity.
Royal College of Nursing Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing
Thoughts on Migration by Santa Clara Pueblo
Animal refuse container
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy During Pregnancy
A translation inhibitor identified in a Drosophila screen enhances the effect of ionizing radiation and taxol in mammalian models of...
Diastereoselective Nucleophilic Addition to Aldehydes with Polar α‐ and α,β‐Substituents
Teaching the differences among women from a historical perspective: Rethinking race and gender as social categories