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space exploration

《space exploration》怎以读

英 [speis ˌekspləˈreɪʃən]
美 [spes ˌɛkspləˈreʃən]

《space exploration》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    Space exploration

    • Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of outer space by means of space technology. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft.


    学习《space exploration》怎么用


    1. Both candidates seem to support space exploration, Chiao said.
    2. Advances in space exploration have brought into focus one of the most dramatic questions in human history.


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    Compiler optimization-space exploration
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    Partial-order reduction in symbolic state space exploration
    Partial-order reduction in symbolic state space exploration
    Partial-Order Reduction in Symbolic State-Space Exploration
    Cancer risk from exposure to galactic cosmic rays: implications for space exploration by human beings.
    ORION 2.0: a fast and accurate NoC power and area model for early-stage design space exploration
    Characterization of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for Application to Space Exploration
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