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    EDM Corporation, Piqua, Ohio; Notice of Termination of InvestigationPursuant to section 221 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, an...
    Diamond Sawblades and Parts Thereof From the Republic of Korea: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
    Pupillometry as a measure of cognitive effort in younger and older adults
    Effects of degraded sensory input on memory for speech: behavioral data and a test of biologically constrained computational models
    The hidden effect of hearing acuity on speech recall, and compensatory effects of self-paced listening
    Sublexical properties of spoken words modulate activity in Broca's area but not superior temporal cortex: implications for models of...
    Chronic Stroke Outcome Measures for Motor Function Intervention Trials: Expert Panel Recommendations
    Activite peroxydasique et rhizogenese dans le cas de Cynara scolymus L.: evolution au cours de repiquages successifs de boutures cul...
    Using Intelligent Agents in Conjunction with B2B Interoperability
    Cryoconservation et repiquage extensif de cellules souches mesenchymateuses d'origine humaine