Sasha's Story
First Friday: Aug to Oct
After Greg signs his divorce papers he runs into a car hop, takes her home to annoy his ex-wife and kids then marries her. Arwin thi...
After three divorces a wealthy man chooses a stripper to be his personal secretary with fringe benefits a part of the contract. Will...
Joyce and Tenebrae: The Ironic Passion and Death of Gabriel Conroy
Carolingian Debates over Nihil and Tenebrae: A Study in Theological Method
Biblical ‘emblems’ in Paul Celan's Tenebrae
The Image That Was in the Blood: Adorno and Celan's "Tenebrae"
Ex oriente tenebrae!:Orientalism and Anti-Semitism in Oscar Levy’s Nietzsche
Lumen in tenebrae. A Comparison of Images on Ceramic Oil Lamps from Three Military Camps on the Frontier of the Roman Empire in the ...