TENDRAC. World-Wide Standard Station Seismic Measurements of VELA UNIFORM Project 173-7
UK Polaris programme
Respostas produtivas e expressão gênica induzidas por períodos de fornecimento de ractopamina para suínos em terminação
Model linear ??i nelinear n?? determinarea ??i analiza tendintelor exporturilor ??n industria textil?? ??i pro??uc??ia de ??es??turi
Tendencje w technologii wytwarzania papierów bezdrzewnych
Wspolczesne tendencje konsumenckie w Polsce
Współczesne tendencje konsumenckie w Polsce
Variation, Sexual Dimorphism, and Social Structure in the Early Eocene Horse Hyracotherium (Mammalia, Perissodactyla)
Higher-order sliding modes, differentiation and output-feedback control
Bayesian networks for data mining .Data mining and Knowledge Discovery