- One day the fisherman caught tons of fish called tench.
On muscles and nerves in the intestinal wall of tenches (Tinca vulgaris Cuv
Idea Exchange tips from the tenches
Standing against the legislative tide. (From The Tenches).
[Analysis of the condition factor of three populations of carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tenches (Tinca tinca)]. [French]
[An open circuit slow perfusion device for study of the in vivo permeability of the digestive tract in tenches (Tinca tinca L.)]
[Changes caused by invasion by Asymphylodora tincae (Modeer, 1790) in the intestines of tenches (Tinca tinca (L.))]
[Information on strikingly large living forms of the genus Cryptobia (Protozoa, Flagellata) in the blood of tenches, carp and barbels]
[Effect of hyperoxia on blood proteins in tenches (Tinca vulgaris)]
Effect of feeding various levels of poultry by‐product meal on the blood parameters, filet composition and structure of female tenc...
[The seasonal distribution and effect of tench fish (Tinca tinca L., 1758) helminthes parasites living in Terkos lake].