Does a Decrease in Real Interest Rate result in the Increase of Investment? : Reservation about Inflation Targeting PolicyTHE CENTRAL BANK OF RUSSIA (CB) IS NOT PLANNINGTO DECREASE ITS INTEREST RATE IN THE NEARESTFUTURETake Stock: Decrease in Interest Rate Gives Borrowers the Best CutDoes a Decrease in the Real Interest Rate Actually Stimulate Personal Consumption? - An Empirical Study -Why did religiosity decrease in the Western World during the twentieth century?Liquidity, interest rates and house prices in the euro area: a DSGE analysisMacroeconomic factors influencing interest rates of microfinance institutions in the Latin America and the Caribbean.Time and cross-sectional differences in the tail behavior of Euro interest rate future returnsThe Single Currency and the possible Convergence of PricesApproaches for Valuing Interest Rate Guarantee in Exempt Provident Funds