- The photos are taken from a resected left temporal lobe brain tumor.
照片取自左颞叶脑肿瘤处活检。 - Pick's disease damages nerve cells in the brain's frontal and temporal lobes.
The medial temporal lobe memory systemA randomized, controlled trial of surgery for temporal-lobe epilepsy.The medial temporal lobe.Abnormalities of the left temporal lobe and thought disorder in schizophrenia. A quantitative magnetic resonance imaging study.Health‐related quality of life and seizure control in temporal lobe epilepsyLimbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid: Mechanisms and relevance to human temporal lobe epilepsySEMANTIC DEMENTIAPROGRESSIVE FLUENT APHASIA WITH TEMPORAL LOBE ATROPHYHughlings Jackson's Dr Z: the paradigm of temporal lobe epilepsy revealedMedial temporal lobe activations in fMRI and PET studies of episodic encoding and retrieval.Separate neural bases of two fundamental memory processes in human medial temporal lobe