- Tellus was an honest man who labored hard for many years to bring up his children.
Stable isotopes in precipitation. Tellus XVI(4):436-446
Johannessen, O. M. et al. Arctic climate change: observed and modeled temperature and sea-ice variability. Tellus A 56, 328-341
Prospective controlled trial of gamma knife surgery for essential trigeminal neuralgia.
Locomotor performance and social dominance in male Anolis cristatellus
Correlation between O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase and survival in inoperable newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients treated ...
Thermal Biology of Anolis Lizards in a Complex Fauna: The Christatellus Group on Puerto Rico
Continued source level reduction during attack in the low゛mplitude bat Barbastella barbastellus prevents moth evasive flight
Observations on the barbastelle, Barbastella barbastellus, in the church at Obergailbach Moselle Observation de la barbastelle, Barb...
Relative susceptibility of different promising sugarcane varieties to shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen)
Biometrical evaluation of sugarcane shoot borer chilo infuscatellus snellen at fluctuating laboratory and constant temperature condi...