- Consumer use of a fashion product follows a cycle, but the use cycle begins after the buying cycle and endures beyond the buying cycle's decline and obsolescence stages.
Decline PhaseInterplanetary origin of geomagnetic activity in the declining phase of the solar cycleInterplanetary magnetic field at ∼9 AU during the declining phase of the solar cycle and its implications for Saturn's magnetospher...Metabolic adaptations in mammary gland during the declining phase of lactationInterplanetary magnetic field at ∼9 AU during the declining phase of the solar cycle and its implications for Saturn's magnetospher...Global thermospheric density variations caused by high‐speed solar wind streams during the declining phase of solar cycle 23Modeling the out-of-ecliptic interplanetary magnetic field in the declining phase of sunspot Cycle 22ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards: A projection model for the decline phaseSolar Wind Sources in the Late Declining Phase of Cycle 23: Effects of the Weak Solar Polar Field on High Speed StreamsModeling the Out-of-Ecliptic Interplanetary Magnetic Field in the Declining Phase of Sunspot Cycle 22