- Gained practical experience of sailing as a deck hand.
Railroad Ferries of the Hudson and the Stories of a Deck HandCombination deck and hand searchlightFrom Deck Hand to Program Manager - 30 years with Research VesselsThe FechDeck: a hand-tool for exploring psychophysics.Clinical Use of Hand Trauma Deck Spalling and Implant TreatmentHandeinreißbares Abdeckklebeband für Fahrzeuge mit geringer RückschrumpfneigungABDECKELEMENT FUER EINEN HANDBREMSHEBEL EINES KRAFTFAHRZEUGESGB/USA. 1960. During dinner hour, a deck hand sweeps the cabin-class promenade deck of the Queen Elizabeth. (NYC35856)Travel: Old Salt or Eager Young Deck Hand, This Is the Perfect Place to Set SailThe Day That Prescott the Ex-Deck Hand Upgraded to Club Class