- As the telethon continued into the second day,the contributions were rolling in.
Effectiveness of a Political Telethon
Empathic Concern and the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon
Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks: a key service for diagnosis and research on rare diseases
Genotype-phenotype relationships involving hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-associated mutations in titin, muscle LIM protein, and teleth...
The Titin-Telethonin Complex Is a Directed, Superstable Molecular Bond in the Muscle Z-Disk
Deletion of Glu at codon 13 of the TCAP gene encoding the titin-cap-telethonin is a rare polymorphism in a large Italian population.
Fibrous dysplasia of bone - transgenic models of diseases, and models of therapy.
Molecular and cellular physiology of intracellular calcium stores
Human CD25+CD4+T Suppressor Cell Clones Produce Transforming Growth Factor β, but not Interleukin 10, and Are Distinct from Type 1 ...
Maternal fish oil supplementation in pregnancy reduces interleukin‐13 levels in cord blood of infants at high risk of atopy