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英 [mæn'deɪtə]
美 [mæn'deɪtə]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    mandator[ mæn'deitə ]

    • n.an authority who issues a mandate



    Mandatorní výdaje v ČR - starobní důchody
    Mandatorní výdaje v ČR - starobní důchody
    Mandatorní výdaje státního rozpočtu jako riziko vnitřní nerovnováhy české ekonomiky
    Should Laparotomy Be Mandator or Selective in Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen?
    Analysis About The Mandator System Of American Federal Bankruptcy And Its Enlightenment
    If someone is watching, I'll do what I'm asked: mandatoriness, control, and information security
    Using Theories of Formal Control, Mandatoriness, and Reactance to Explain Working Professionals’ Intent to Comply with New IT Secur...
    The Externality Effect of Accounting Standards Convergence: Evidence from Cross-Border Information Transfers Around EU Mandatory IFR...
    Neonatal circumcision is neither medically necessary nor ethically permissible: a response to Clark et al. Comment to: Mandatory neo...
    Haviland, Mary, et al. "The family protection and domestic violence intervention act of 1995: examining the effects of mandatory arr...