Reaching out to touch someone? : Reflections on a 1923 candlestick telephone
Colombia: Whether someone can change his or her residential telephone number without actually moving to another residence in Calarca...
Enum refers to the international standard method by which you can input someone's telephone number into the Internet DNS and retriev...
New Telephone Choices Require Planning before You Reach out to Touch Someone
Jim Looks Forward to Weekly Catch-Up; Friendly Voice on the Telephone a Reminder That Someone Cares about Those in Need
Shared mapping of a station extension within a distributed, enterprise telecommunications system, to an associated telephone number
Development of a telephone-based intervention for support persons to help smokers quit.
When Free Is Not for Me: Confronting the Barriers to Use of Free Quitline Telephone Counseling for Tobacco Dependence.
[Treatment of GP's telephone requests for admission. Assessment of departments for 4 medical specialties]
Selling face-to-face and via the telephone--What different skills are required?