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  • 释义

    [计] 完成符;

  • 双语释义

    1. 完整的,完全的 having all its parts, whole lacking nothing
    2. 完成的,结束的finished
    3. 完满的,圆满的 fully or additionally supplied
    4. [A]彻底的,完完全全的 total, thorough
    1. vt. 完成,结束 finish; add sth that is missing or needed to sth to form a finished whole
    2. vt. 使完善 make perfect



    用作形容词 (adj.)
    • complete alternation周期,全循环
    • complete angler钓鱼高手
    • complete ass大傻瓜
    • complete carry完全进位
    • complete combination完全组合
    • complete combustion完全燃烧
    • complete divorce离婚
    • complete edition of Shakespeare's plays莎士比亚戏剧全集
    • complete equipment成套设备
    • complete failure彻底的失败
    • complete fool十足的笨蛋
    • complete fusion完全融化物,助燃剂
    • complete gentleman十全十美的绅士
    • complete induction完全归纳法
    • complete integral完全积分
    • complete matrix algebra全体矩阵代数
    • complete orbit填满的轨道
    • complete revolution完全运转
    • complete scholar无懈可击的学者
    • complete set全套
    • complete story一个完整的故事
    • complete stranger素不相识的人
    • complete subject完全主语
    • complete success彻底的成功
    • complete surprise完全意外的事
    • complete time of oscillation振动周期
    • complete verb完全动词
    • complete works全集
    • nearly complete将近结束
    • now complete到此结束
    • absolutely complete绝对完整
    • actually complete实际上是完全的
    • ceremonially complete正式完成的
    • delightfully complete圆满的
    • extra-ordinarily complete特别彻底的
    • finally complete最终结束的
    • formally complete正式结束的
    • fortunately complete有幸完成的
    • happily complete万事俱备
    • ideally complete理想中圆满
    • legally complete合法结束的
    • luckily complete有幸完成的
    • magnificently complete非凡圆满的
    • officially complete官方全部的
    • really complete的确齐备的
    • remarkably complete十分完整的
    • royally complete庄严地完成
    • satisfactorily complete圆满完成的
    • splendidly complete盛大圆满的
    • sufficiently complete十分完美
    • unbelievably complete令人难以置信地完整
    • complete in…算完整
    • complete with配有全部…的
    • complete without不包括,没有…在内
    用作动词 (v.)
    • complete a successful attack完成了一次成功的进攻
    • complete getting in the wheat收割完小麦
    • complete homework完成家庭作业
    • complete a novel完成小说
    • complete the course完成一道程序
    • complete the house房子盖好了
    • complete the new railway完成新铁路线
    • complete the sentence完成句子
    • complete the task完成任务
    • complete war战斗胜利
    • complete work完成工作
    • complete writing the letter完成一封信
    • complete ahead of time提前完成
    • complete absolutely完全地解决
    • complete casually漫不经心地完成
    • complete conventionally按惯例完成
    • complete delightfully欣喜地完工
    • complete determinedly决心完成
    • complete entirely完全地完成
    • complete finally最终完成
    • complete gradually渐渐地完成
    • complete partially迅速完成
    • complete rapidly快速地完成
    • complete respectably圆满完成
    • complete satisfactorily满意地完成
    • complete skillfully熟练地完成
    • complete swiftly迅速地完成
    • complete sth for sea将…建成下水
    • complete sth in three volumes完成三卷本
    • complete sth with the correct word用正确的词来完成


    1. We'll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.
    2. When the experiment is complete, include your findings in a report.
    3. This is a complete failure.
    1. Can you complete your task on time?
    2. By their joint efforts they managed to complete the project on time.
    3. A second child would complete their family.
    4. I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickens's novels.
    5. Complete your application in ink.


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