- He started posting tweets via his cell phone to keep friends and family updated on his progress.
- The birds do not tweet, the leaves do not whisper, and the insects do not sing.
Tweets and the Streets
Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism
Twitter power: Tweets as electronic word of mouth
From Tweets to Polls: Linking Text Sentiment to Public Opinion Time Series
Tweets from Justin Bieber's heart: the dynamics of the location field in user profiles
Tweets from Justin Bieber's heart: the dynamics of the location field in user profiles
Can Tweets Predict Citations? Metrics of Social Impact Based on Twitter and Correlation with Traditional Metrics of Scientific Impact
NRC-Canada: Building the State-of-the-Art in Sentiment Analysis of Tweets
Pandemics in the Age of Twitter: Content Analysis of Tweets during the 2009 H1N1 Outbreak
Eysenbach, G.: Can Tweets Predict Citations? Metrics of Social Impact Based on Twitter and Correlation with Traditional Metrics of S...