- By this time he had fully developed his poised method of composition and the graceful, smiling faces that are a feature of his work.
Austria : Imperfect Parliamentary Democracy but Fully Fledged Party Democracy
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Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Just a Technique or a Fully Fledged Alternative?
A Fully Fledged TDC Implemented in Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XVII - TZ Fornacis: Stellar and tidal evolution in a binary with a fully-fledged red giant
Toward fully fledged high-pressure macromolecular crystallography
A new dimension in structural biology: fully fledged high-pressure macromolecular crystallography
Small modern farmers: Neither peasants nor fully‐fledged capitalists?
Hooking up 3-space: Three-dimensional models as fully-fledged hypermedia documents
Hooking Up 3-Space: Three-Dimensional Models as Fully-Fledged Hypermedia Documents