- For each assignment, you will analyze one feature-length film in which law is a central character.
Places Clustering of Full-Length Film Key-Frames Using Latent Aspect Modeling Over SIFT Matches
Places clustering of full-length film key-framesusing latent aspect modeling over SIFT matches
'Unmixed' a Full-length Film on R.D. Burman
Disney's 'Toy Story': First Full-Length Film Done By Computer
Children's toys of the 1980s morph into high-priced collectibles and $150-million full-length film
A Hare-Brained Idea That Works; 'Wallace & Gromit' Full-Length Film Fun
From Snapshot to Full-length Film: the Living Environment and Security Survey in the Victimization Data Series
The Trashmaster, a full-length film made entirely in GTA IV
MTV stretches stupid stunt show into funny full-length film
Authentic video in the beginning ESOL classroom: Using a full-length feature film for listening and speaking strategy practice