- The match at the San Paolo stadium will not be easy at all for the Tuscan side.
Chemometric analysis of Tuscan olive oils
High- 18 O igneous rocks from the Tuscan Magmatic Province, Italy
Eastwards migration of the Tuscan anatectic magmatism due to anticlockwise rotation of the Apennines
Effects of cold maceration on red wine quality from Tuscan Sangiovese grape
Nickel and copper tolerance and toxicity in three Tuscan populations of Silene paradoxa
Agricultural multifunctionality and farmers' entrepreneurial skills: a study of Tuscan and Welsh farmers.
Origin and evolution of Pliocene–Pleistocene granites from the Larderello geothermal field (Tuscan Magmatic Province, Italy)
Performance of Cinta Senese pigs and their crosses with Large White 2. Physical, chemical and technological traits of Tuscan dry-cur...
Petrography and stable isotope aspects of cold-vent activity imprinted on Miocene-age “calcari a Lucina ” from Tuscan and Romagna ...
Long-term effectiveness and safety of sirolimus stent implantation for coronary in-stent restenosis results of the TRUE (Tuscany Reg...