An electrophysiological study of neural pathways for corticofugally inhibited neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior collicu...
Visual response augmentation in cat (and macaque) LGN: potentiation by corticofugally mediated gain control in the temporal domain
High speed separation of the light rare earths on centri-fugally accelerated ion-exchange paper
Corticofugally induced c-fos expression, synchronized oscillation and its propagation in the thalamus
Corticofugal modulation of directional sensitivity in the midbrain of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus
Centrifugal device
Heterozygous lipoprotein lipase deficiency due to a missense mutation as the cause of impaired triglyceride tolerance with multiple ...
Visual evoked potential correlates of early neural filtering during selective attention
Corticofugal regulation of auditory sensitivity in the bat inferior colliculus
Retinopathy of prematurity: clinical aspects