Ines Milohnić, Ph. D.; University of Rijeka, Croatia Zdenko Cerović, Ph. D., University of Rijeka, Croatia ines milohnic@fthm hr
Spieksma FThM: Ten types of micro- scopcally identifiable fungal spores at Leiden
GeneGenerator- a flexible algorfthm for gene prediction.
AVerifi ocf Caotnisotnr Aulcgtoirv oiefthm Wave Il皿teetrpol Maettiho oin dnGrow Stthudy − Comparison With logisti cfunction
A combinedalgorfthmfor genome wide predictionof proteinfunction
Angiographic and prognostic implications of an exaggerated exercise systolic blood pressure response and rest systolic blood pressur...
Avoiding simplification strategies by introducing multi-objectiveness in real world problems
Avoiding simplification strategies by introducing multi-objectiveness in real world problems
Orchestrating innovation
Regulation in the media-internet-telecom value web : Introducing the Damian method for systematic analysis of the interdependencies ...