用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- bear fruit结出果实,取得成果,奏效
- collect fruit采果子
- damage fruit损害果实
- eat fruit吃水果
- gather fruit采果子
- grow fruit种植水果
- pick fruit摘水果
- produce fruit出产水果,产生结果
- store (up) fruit贮藏水果
形容词+~- abundant fruit丰硕的果实
- bitter fruit苦果
- dry fruit干果
- fresh fruit新鲜水果
- golden fruit金黄色的果实
- green fruit未成熟的水果
- nice fruit味美的水果
- sweet fruit甜水果
- tinned fruit水果罐头
- wild fruit野果
- rich fruit丰硕成果
- the first fruits初步成果
~+名词介词+~- dealer in fruit水果商
- a basket of fruit一篮水果
- be heavy with fruit(树)果实累累
~+介词- fruit in season当令的水果
- fruit in sugar果脯
- fruit of industry勤劳的收获
- fruit on the tree树上的果子
- fruit out of season落令的水果
fruit juice果汁
bear fruit结出果实;奏效
fresh fruit鲜果,水果拼盘
fruit tree n. 果树
tropical fruit热带水果
fruit wine果酒
dried fruit干果;果脯
citrus fruit n. 柑橘类的水果
fruit salad水果沙拉
canned fruit罐装水果
fruit vinegar果醋;水果醋
fruit fly[昆]果蝇
kiwi fruit猕猴桃;奇异果
preserved fruit果脯,蜜饯
passion fruit[植]百香果;西番莲果
fruit grower果农
fruit body子实体
forbidden fruit禁果;非法的欢愉
fruit vegetable果实蔬菜;果菜类
fruit basket果篮,水果篮
- The bough was loaded with fruit.
树枝上果实累累。 - The flower becomes fruit when it worships.
花崇拜时便成了果实。 - Their research project haven' t borne fruit.
他们的研究课题还未取得成果。 - The book is the fruit of years of research.
这本书是多年研究的成果。 - An apple is a kind of fruit.
苹果是一种水果。 - Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party.
- The apple trees are fruiting early this year.
Vegetables, fruit, and cancer. I. Epidemiology.
Fruit and vegetables, and cardiovascular disease: a review.
Vegetables, fruit, and cancer prevention: a review.
Flower and Fruit Abortion: Proximate Causes and Ultimate Functions
Fruit, vegetables, and cancer prevention: a review of the epidemiological evidence.
The Effect of Fruit and Vegetable Intake on Risk for Coronary Heart Disease
Fruit, vegetables, and olive oil and risk of coronary heart disease in Italian women: the EPICOR Study.
Reaching for high-hanging fruit in drug discovery at protein-protein interfaces.
Transgenic salt-tolerant tomato plants accumulate salt in foliage but not in fruit
Bateman's Principle and Plant Reproduction: The Role of Pollen Limitation in Fruit and Seed Set