- I don't like beer with too much froth.
我不喜欢泡沫太多的啤酒。 - Their chatter was nothing but froth!
- The water frothed as it tumbled down the rocks.
水冲击在岩石上溅起了泡沫。 - Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth.
Froth delineation based on image classification
Surface Chemistry of Froth Flotation
Soap froth revisited: Dynamic scaling in the two-dimensional froth
Flotation froth monitoring using multiresolutional multivariate image analysis ☆
The destabilization of froth by solids. I. The mechanism of film rupture
Online monitoring and control of froth flotation systems with machine vision: A review
The interpretation of flotation froth surfaces using digital analysis and neural networks
Extraction of bitumen from bitumen froth and biotreatment of bitumen froth tailings generated from tar sands
Demineralization and desulfurization of coals via column froth flotation and different methods
An image processing algorithm for measurement of flotation froth bubble size and shape distributions