rostrateCytotaxonomy of the rostrate violetsRostrate pedicellariae: A morphologically distinct form of echinoid test appendageUnique rostrate larvae and basidiomycophagy in the beetle family CorylophidaeCutaneous Myxosporidiosis in an American Eel, Anguilla rostrateCytotaxonomic Relationships between the European and North American Rostrate VioletsA New Neotropical Genus and Species of Rostrate Laemophloeinae (Coleoptera: Cucujidae) with Discussion of the Systematic Position of...Solubility and accumulation of metals in Chinese brake fern, vetiver and rostrate sesbania using chelating agents.Chalcone Synthase Gene Lineage Diversification Confirms Allopolyploid Evolutionary Relationships of European Rostrate VioletsDegeneration of the alimentary tract in sexually maturing European Anguilla anguilla (L.) and American eels Anguilla rostrate (LeSue...