Sonet synchronous payload envelope pointer control systemNaphthalimido derivatives as antifolate thymidylate synthase inhibitorsChemInform Abstract: Naphthalimido Derivatives as Antifolate Thymidylate Synthase InhibitorsSONET SYNCRONOUS PAYLOAD ENVELOPE POINTER CONTROL SYSTEMSonet syncronous payload envelope pointer control systemThe development of the timber industry and its future directionPudu Prison siegeAspirin intolerance. III. Subtypes, familial occurence, and cross-reactivity with tartarazineA phase II trial of erlotinib (OSI-774) in patients (pts) with recurrent malignant gliomas (MG) not on EIAEDscarboplatin, erlotinib, Tarceva OSI-774, glioblastoma