Notes on the Tsine (Bos Sondaicua)Notes on the Tsine (Bos Sondaicua)Deltatsine, a New C19-Diterpenoid Alkaloid from Delphinium tatsienense Franch[Effect of tizertsine and triphtazine on higher nervous activity in patients with presenile psychoses]De man van TsinegoldeUnique Mammalian tRNA-Derived Repetitive Elements in Dermopterans: The t-SINE Family and Its Retrotransposition Through Multiple Sou...Isolation and structural elucidation of thalidasine, a novel bis(benzylisoquinoline) alkaloid tumor inhibitor from Thalictrum dasyca...Tumor inhibitors. XLII. Thalidasine, a novel bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid tumor inhibitor from Thalictrum dasycarpumDetection of thylosine and oxytetracycline residues in honey.t-SINE or simple SINE? Can be both.