friction coefficient磨擦系数
friction force摩擦力
friction factor摩擦因子;摩擦率
trade friction贸易摩擦
coefficient of friction摩擦系数;磨擦系数
internal friction内摩擦;内耗
friction welding摩擦焊接
sliding friction滑动摩擦
friction material摩擦材料
dry friction[物]干摩擦;库伦摩擦
friction angle磨擦角
friction loss摩擦损失
skin friction表面摩擦(表皮摩擦机壳与空气的摩擦力)
coulomb friction[力]库仑摩擦
friction torque摩擦力矩;摩擦转矩;摩擦扭矩
rolling friction滚动摩擦
friction surface摩擦表面
static friction静摩擦;干摩擦;库仑摩擦
friction heat摩擦热
friction clutch摩擦离合器
Frictions. An Ethnography of Global Connections
Entrepreneurship, Frictions, and Wealth
Pricing and Matching with Frictions
Asset Pricing in Economies with Frictions
Shocks and Frictions in the US Business Cycles: A Bayesian Approach
Shocks and Frictions in US Business Cycles: A Bayesian DSGE Approach
Comparing shocks and frictions in US and euro area business cycles: a Bayesian DSGE Approach
Optimal interest rate rules, asset prices, and credit frictions
The Assignment of Workers to Jobs in an Economy with Coordination Frictions
Bounds on Elasticities with Optimization Frictions: A Synthesis of Micro and Macro Evidence on Labor Supply