- Surrey scored only200 runs and had to follow on.
萨里只得了200分,只好继续击球。 - The girl went to the museum by a surrey.
Baryonyx walkeri, a fish-eating dinosaur from the Wealden of SurreyPrehistoric Landscape to Roman Villa: Excavations at Beddington, Surrey, 1981–7. Edited By I. Howell. M...Construction of human gene libraries from small amounts of peripheral blood: analysis of beta-like globin genes.Advances in legume systematicsEfficacy and tolerability of anti‐immunoglobulin E therapy with omalizumab in patients with concomitant allergic asthma and persist...Chromophore-assisted light inactivation and self-organization of microtubules and motors.Single blastocyst transfer: a prospective randomized trial ☆Women's growth in connection: Writings from the Stone Center.Physical properties determining self-organization of motors and microtubules.Evaluating strategies for improving ovarian response of the poor responder undergoing assisted reproductive techniques