Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer--Lynch syndromes I and IIHelicobacter pylori in promotion of gastric carcinogenesis.Survivin as prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavityEarly definitive intervention by thoracoscopy in pediatric empyema.Influence of irrigation with lagooned urban wastewater on chemical and microbiological soil parameters in a citrus orchard under Med...Drought-induced variations of water relations parameters in Olea europaeaPCR Primers and Amplification Methods for 12S Ribosomal DNA, the Control Region, Cytochrome Oxidase I, and Cytochrome b in Bufonids ...Endosulfan acute toxicity in Bufo bufo gills: ultrastructural changes and nitric oxide synthase localization.Structure and Dynamic of a Natterjack Toad Metapopulation (Bufo calamita)Somatostatin is contained in and released from cholinergic nerves in the heart of the toad Bufo marinus.