- The underside of the glans is attached to the foreskin by a thin tissue called frenum.
Frenum position and vestibule depth in relation to gingival health.
The diastema, the frenum, the frenectomy: A clinical study
Midline diastema and frenum morphology in the primary dentition
Diagnosing abuse: a systematic review of torn frenum and other intra‐oral injuries
Occurrence of midline diastema and frenum attachments amongst school children in Nairobi, Kenya.
The superior labial frenum and the midline diastema and their relation to growth and development of the oral structures
Clinical observations relating to the normal and abnormal frenum labii superioris ☆
Significance of the labial frenum attachment in periodontal disease in man. Part I. Classification and epidemiology of the labial fr...
The maxillary interincisal diastema and its relationship to the superior labial frenum and intermaxillary suture