The crystal structure of freieslebenite, PbAgSbS3* : Zeitschrift für Kristallographie
Structural relationships between sicherite, marrite, freieslebenite, and diaphorite - analysis based on anionic nets and polyhedral ...
Mineralogy and crystal chemistry of the sulfosalt minerals: bournonite, seligmannite, aikinite, diaphorite and freieslebenite,
Výskyty unikà tnÃho monometalického stÅ™Ãbrného zrudnÄ•nà na žÃle H14F3 mezi 7. a 9. patrem Å achty ...
Über komplex zusammengesetzte sulfidische Erze II. Zur Struktur des Freieslebenits, PbAgSbS 3
Direct methods and structures showing superstructure effects. III. A general mathematical model
Direct methods and superstructures. I. Effects of the pseudotranslations on the reciprocal space
Sicherite, TlAg2(As,Sb)3S6, a new sulfosalt mineral from Lengenbach (Binntal, Switzerland): Description and structure determination
On the application of a minimum residual method to the structure determination of superstructures* : Zeitschrift für Kristallographie
The Hiendelaencina mining district (Guadalajara, Spain)