- The game engine will evaluate the script and link this behavior to the cowardly troll.
游戏引擎将会计算这个脚本并把这个行为和胆怯的巨人相关联。 - With the key, you can free the imprisoned troll, who will then free the passageway for you as a reward.
用这把钥匙可以释放被囚禁的巨人们,它们作为回报会帮你清除通道。 - These were evidently a different type of troll than the mountain variety, since they seemed considerably more intelligent and less smelly.
Trolls just want to have fun
Beyond vandalism: Wikipedia trolls
Trolls or Market-Makers? An Empirical Analysis of Nonpracticing Entities
Travelers and Trolls: Practitioner Research and Institutional Review Boards
Extreme Value or Trolls on Top? The Characteristics of the Most-Litigated Patents
Patent trolls on markets for technology – An empirical analysis of NPEs’ patent acquisitions
LOLing at tragedy: Facebook trolls, memorial pages and resistance to grief online
On sharks, trolls, and their patent prey—Unrealistic damage awards and firms’ strategies of “being infringed”
Propagation of trust and distrust for the detection of trolls in a social network
Exploring mischief and mayhem in social computing or:how we learned to stop worrying and love the trolls