OH Zeeman Measurement of the Magnetic Field in the L1544Core
Interstellar magnetic field strengths and gas densities Observational and theoretical perspectives
OH Zeeman Magnetic Field Detections Toward Five Supernova Remnants Using the VLA
The Millennium Arecibo 21-cm Absorption Line Survey. I. Techniques and Gaussian Fits
Magnetic Fields in Interstellar Clouds from Zeeman Observations: Inference of Total Field Strengths by Bayesian Analysis
Magnetic Fields in Dark Cloud Cores: Arecibo OH Zeeman Observations
Galactic ring nebulae associated with Wolf-Rayet stars. IV - The ring nebula S308 and its interstellar environment
OH Zeeman observations of dark clouds
CN Zeeman measurements in star formation regions
Aperture synthesis observations of the 21 centimeter Zeeman effect toward Cassiopeia A