- That the Vernal Equinox front and back three day troat is the day visiting the grave on the other shore.
Acupuncture combined with Shuangyang Houbi Granule in the Treatment of Troat Ostruction Paryngitis for 30 Cases
Zheng mefhod massage inthe troat ment of functi mal consti pation of fractwre patientsin bed
[Fluoroscopic examination of patients complaining of abnormal troat sensations]
Effect of inlet troat on the correlation between fine particle dose and lung deposition
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Troat Manual for Nurses
NT-pro-BNP in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is decreased by nasal continuous positive airway pressure
Echocardiographic assessment of global left ventricular function in mice
Persistence of iatrogenic atrial septal defect after pulmonary vein isolation--an underestimated risk?
Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography Enhances Long-Term Prognostic Value of Supine Bicycle Stress Two-Dimensional Echocardiography