Haplogroup X2A: Searching for the Origins of Clovis in the Americas
Use of intensity quotients and differences in absolute structure refinement
Structure of the RXR-RAR DNA-binding complex on the retinoic acid response element DR1.
Synthese und Struktur der ersten Borylenübergangsmetallkomplexe
Compositions comprising amphotericin B, methods, and systems
A Novel Approach to Ferrocenes with Planar Chirality
Phenological variation in annual timing of hibernation and breeding in nearby populations of Arctic ground squirrels
Synthesis and Structure of the First Transition Metal Borylene Complexes
Borabenzene derivatives. 21. 2,4-Pentadienylboranes as key intermediates of a novel route to boracyclohexadienes and boratabenzenes...