TriumviriTriumviri agris dividensis: una leggenda virgilianaI triumviri tra squadra e compasso: Montanelli, Mazzoni e Guerrazzi e la MassoneriaThe Triumviri Monetales and the Structure of the Coinage of the Roman epublic by Karl PinkPink, The Triumviri Monetales and the Structure of the Coinage of the Roman RepublicO datowaniu emisji "triumviri monetales"z lat 13-12 p.n.e. / Adam Jegliński.ECONOMIC SITUATION ON COMMERCIAL COMPANIES TRIUMVIRI LLCThe Journal of Philology: Duumviri and Triumviri; Saeculum; Superstes, Superstitio, SuperstitiosusThe Propaganda of the Triumvirs - WallmannPeter: Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae: Untersuchungen zur politischen Propaganda im ...The Essexian Triumviri, Or, a Discourse Btween Three Colchester-Gentlemen Disguiz'd in Masquerade and Titus Otes Concerning the Pres...