Matrix Isolation Method for the Experimental Study of Unstable Species
Infra-red spectroscopic detection of bridging cyanide groups
Infrared Spectra of Gaseous and Solid Hydrazoic Acid and Deutero‐Hydrazoic Acid: The Thermodynamic Properties of HN3
Infrared Spectra of Intermediate Species in the Formation of Ammonium Azide from Hydrazoic Acid
Infrared Spectrum of Solid Ammonium Azide : A Vibrational Assignment
Infrared Emission and Absorption in an Ammonia‐Oxygen Diffusion Flame
Two‐phonon infrared absorption spectra in crystalline carbon dioxide
A model for laser isotope separation in SF6
Nurse scheduling with tabu search and strategic oscillation
An indirect genetic algorithm for a nurse-scheduling problem