Trisecting an orthoscheme
Trisecting non-Lagrangian theories
Trisecting representational states in short-term memory
Phase competition in trisected superconducting dome.
Eryngium trisectum (Apiaceae, Saniculoideae), a new species from Turkey
Proof of the Impossibility of Trisecting an Angle with Euclidean Tools
Localization of temporal preparation effects via trisected reaction time.
Ganglioside, protein, hexose, and sialic acid changes in the trisected optic tectum of the chick embryo.
Triterpene glucosides of Astragalus and their genins. LXXIV. Cyclotrisectoside, the first trisdesmoside of cyclocephalogenin
Modification by desipramine of the effects of alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists on the contractile responses of the trisected rat vas d...