Congenital fusion of lunate and triquetrum.
Saponins and Flavonoids of Allium triquetrum
The triquetrum-hamate joint: An anatomic and in vivo three-dimensional kinematic study
Dorsal fractures of the triquetrum-avulsion or compression fractures?
Capitolunate arthrodesis with scaphoid and triquetrum excision.
The Gametophyte, Embryo, and Young Rhizome of Psilotum triquetrum Swartz
RAPD analysis of genetic variation and dispersal of the moss Bryum pseudotriquetrum from Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
Comparative study on hemagglutinins from the red algae Bryothamnion seaforthii and Bryothamnion triquetrum
The amino acid sequence of the agglutinin isolated from the red marine alga Bryothamnion triquetrum defines a novel lectin structure
Effects of aqueous extracts of Halimeda incrassata (Ellis) Lamouroux and Bryothamnion triquetrum (S.G.Gmelim) Howe on hydrogen perox...