- This container truck is roaming the streets of Manila carrying a lot more than just a complete kitchen on wheels.
这台在马尼拉街上漫游的货柜车,轮子上承载著的,不只是一套完整的厨房。 - Cacheable map data for offline browsing, reduce your data cost especially in roaming.
Global roaming in next-generation networksROAMing terrain: Real-time Optimally Adapting MeshesROAMing terrain (Real-time Optimally Adapting Meshes)Slot machine game with roaming wild cardProtecting the computation results of free-roaming agentsProtecting the computation results of free-roaming agentsROAMING ATOMS: EXPLORING NOVEL REACTION MECHANISMS WITH HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGING AND PHOTO-FRAGMENT EXCITATION SPECTROSCOPYEnhanced authentication scheme with anonymity for roaming service in global mobility networksBest Current Practices for Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) RoamingA seamless and proactive end-to-end mobility solution for roaming across heterogeneous wireless networks