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fourth of july

《fourth of july》怎以读

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《fourth of july》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 英英释义

    fourth of july

    • n.a legal holiday in the United States

      同义词:Independence DayJuly 4

    学习《fourth of july》怎么用


    1. The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the USA.


    Fourth of July
    Fourth of July
    Fourth of July /
    Native American Group at Southern Pacific Depot
    Fourth Of July Parade -- El Cerrito Club Float.
    Paul Kurokawa and unknown person, Palm Street, San Luis Obispo : Fourth of July Float : 1918.
    Upland Photograph Events; Fourth of July Parade: horse drawn floats traveling south on unpaved 2nd Avenue, Upland, CA
    Upland Photograph Events; Fourth of July Parade: crowd listening to speaker at band shell 2nd Avenue and D Street, Upland, CA
    Fourth of July Celebration at Mozzetti's Auto Court
    Fourth of July Parade: Join Civilian Defense
    Fourth of July parfait.(Recipe)
    Fourth of July Parfait
    The most dangerous day for driving.(safe driving, celebrating Fourth of July)(Brief article)
    上一篇:fourth estate
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